
AuvoID and this documentation are in BETA stages and will be regularly updated.

AuvoID is an end-to-end organization identity management platform that allows anyone the ability to use decentralized identity and verifiable credentials without writing a single line of code.

With its intuitive interface, AuvoID allows you to manage your organizations public and private identities, build out complex credential templates, and to issue, verify, and revoke credentials to users.

Its fully customizable format ensures AuvoID is an industry agnostic platform that can support you with the tools you need to support verifiable identity us cases across any sector. Whether its employee ID, cross border trade documents, travel passes, or a student degree, AuvoID has everything you need to get started in minutes, not months.

With its built in integrations and APIs you can easily integrate future identity into your current systems and get started on demos and proof of concept solutions without the extensive development timelines.

AuvoID offers a free to start SaaS package, which can be upgraded dependent upon your needs, allowing you to enter into the world of verifiable identity without costly overheads, but at the same time control the ability to scale when needed.

Built using open-standards that follow regulatory guidelines such as eIDAS 2.0, EUDI Wallet Framework, and ISO 18013-5 Mobile Drivers License, AuvoID is built to support interoperability and future proof identity and credential deployment.

AuvoID is currently live in public BETA phase and should be adopted as a launching platform for pilots, proof of concepts, testing, and demonstrations. As the eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI wallet standards evolve, so too will AuvoID, as we move towards full scale adoption and live permanent deployments.

Last updated