Create a Template
To create your first template, head on over to the Templates section of your organization dashboard by pressing the "Templates" option in the sidebar menu.
You can create a new template by pressing the "+ Create New Template" button that is found in the top right corner of the templates page.
To begin with you need to outline the basic informaiton to define the credential you will be creating. Fill in the form and press the "Continue" button to proceed.
What is the name of your new Credential Template?
This is the name of the credential you wish you create. This will be publicly visible and must be the full name of the credential you are creating, for example, Open Badge in Dutch Linguistics Level 3.
What type of credential will it be?
This is the type of credential you are creating. In the event you are creating a credential that is does not fall under one of the categories listed, select basic credential which can represent any credential. Types are used to categorise and reference credentials.
Which Organization Identity do you want to issue this Credential Template from?
This is where you select the organization identity you wish the template to be associated with, in the event you only have one identity, it will be the only option available. When you have multiple identities, the credential will only be visible to members that are associated with the identity you select and to your main organization identity, for example AuvoDigital HR, or AuvoDigital Open Badges, etc.
Enter a short name as a reference for your new Credential Template
This is an internal reference for your organization to clearly define a short term for the template, so that you can easily find and reference this internally. For exmaple, we may define the Open Badge in Dutch Linguistics Level 3 as "OB-DL3"
Once you continue, further information will be required dependent upon the credential type you have selected. Different credential types may have different required fields, but many are similar in most cases.
Does your credential need an expiry/end date?
If you wish to add an expiry period for the credential you may select how long you wish the credential to be valid for here, for example 10 years.
Would you like this credential to be publicly discoverable?
This will allow anyone to publicly search for and apply for this credential through the AuvoID public portal, meaning anyone may submit an application to receive this credential.
Would you like to add this credential to your open schema list?
Your open schema list is a public list of all the credential templates your organization has created. This list can be shared with your trust network and other platform providers so they may add your credentials as verified schema to their platforms and make them interactive in things such as filters, search, etc.
nb. ALL schema are publicly verifiable, but only ones added to your list are collected for external use for the ease of integrations for platforms such as jobs sites, directories, social media platforms, etc.
Upload Credential Image Logo
Here you can upload a specific credential image for your template. This could be an open badge image, or simply a graphic or logo that defines the image for that particular credential. If you do not wish to add a specific image, your organization logo will be the default image for the credential.
Add a description for your credential
Here you can define the high-level description of what the credential represents and why it has been issued to the holder.
For certain credential types, criteria is required, which needs to be an in-depth outline of the processes, activities, experiences, or achievements the individual has completed to earn the received credential.
Once the first information page has been completed you can now customize your credential to contain any information you wish it to have.
To add a new data field press the "+ Add another field" button.
When adding a new field there are a few options you are required to determine.
Field Name - This is the name of the data field within the credential, e.g. Training Location
Field Type - This is the type of field entry, ie, text, date, number, email, website, etc.
Request data from applicant? - if you wish for the field to be completed by the individuals who will receive the credential you may select this option here, else all content will be completed by your organization
Is this field required? - if information is mandatory for the credential to be issued, then select this option, if the field is an optional one, you may leave this off.
Once you are happy with the credential template, you may press the "Continue" button to proceed.
Now you have finished up your first Template you can review your credential content in the side panel and see if you are happy to save the template. If you see any mistakes or wish to alter the credential at this point you may press the "< Go Back" button under the main buttons. If you are happy and wish to save the template, press the "Save Template" button
Your Template is now visible in the Templates page of your organization dashboard, and ready to be issued to anyone.
Last updated