Issue a Credential
You can issue a credential from two places within your organization dashboard.
Firstly, you can press the context menu for the template you wish to issue from the templates page of your organization dashboard and select Issue Single credential (or Batch Issue - more on this later)
Alternatively, on the Credentials page of your organization dashboard you can press the "+ Issue New Credential" button.
Firstly you will be asked for the basic information required for the issuance of the credential.
What is the email address of the recipient?
Here you can enter the email address of the individual you wish to issue the credential to, this will allow you to inform them of their new credential via email, so they can claim it.
What credential will you be issuing?
Here you can select the credential you wish to issue to the individual.
Once you have completed these you can press the "Continue" button to proceed.
Next you will be requested to fill in all the information required to issue the credential, optional fields may be left incomplete, but required fields must be filled in before the credential can be issued.
Once you are satisfied with the information, you may proceed to the next stage by pressing the "Continue" button.
You will now be able to review all the information you have previously input and check that you are satisfied with the content of the credential you wish to issue and who you are issuing it to. A preview of the credential is displayed in the sidebar also.
If you are happy with everything you can press the "Issue Credential" button to issue your very first credential!
CONGRATULATIONS! You've now issued your very first credential. You can monitor your credentials that have been issued in the Credentials page of your organization Dashboard.
Last updated