Navigating AuvoID

There are two main navigation tools for you to find your way about the AuvoID platform.

  • The Main Nav Bar

  • The Sidebar Menu

Here you can easily navigate your own identity settings and information

Main logo - this will take you to the website

Search - allows you to search the organization dashboard for credentials, users, and templates

Theme icon - allows you to switch between dark and light mode

Notifications icon - will take you to the notifications page

User menu - pressing on your user avatar will open the user menu where you can navigate to user specific AuvoID features.

  • Your Profile - shows you your profile info and allows you to update or edit your user profile

  • Settings - takes you to your account settings and preferences

  • Switch to public profile - allows you to swtich to the public user dashboard where you can view your individual, personal credentials and applications.

  • Sign Out - signs you out of the AuvoID platform

The sidebar menu gives you access to all the main features and pages of your organization dashboard. At the top of the menu you will see your Organization that you are logged into.


The dashboard page gives you an overview of your Organization activity on AuvoID and the latest information and credentials that have been issued by your team.


The templates page houses all your created templates and allows you to update, edit, or create new templates ready for issuance.


The credentials page shows you all the credentials that your Organization has issued, along with their status and other important information. From here you can also issue and batch issue new credentials. You can view either:

  • All - all credentials and batches issued by the organization

  • Issued - only credentials that have been individually issued by the organization

  • Applications - only credentials that have been publicly applied for and not directly issued by the organization

  • Batch - all batch issued credentials that have been issued by the organization in bulk.


Here you can view, edit, and update your organization identities and DNS connections.


The team section allows you to manage team member roles, permissions, and team members information. You can switch between the team members view by pressing the Users option and roles view by pressing the Roles option.


This will take you to the AuvoID documentation site (here) where you can learn all about the AuvoID platform and all its features and functionality.


Here you can manage all the settings for your organization.

Last updated