
The Credentials page presents you with an overview of all your credentials that have been applied for or issued within your organization and their current status.

You may alter the view of the credentials table by selecting one of the options:

  • All - displays all issued and applied for credentials

  • Issued - displays only issued credentials

  • Batch Issue - displays all batch issued credentials

  • Applications - displays all applications for credentials

Each credential row displays the following information:

  • Name - the name of the template

  • Issued by - the team member that issued or confirmed the credential

  • Issued to - the email address of the recipient of the credential

  • Issued At - the date the credential was issued

  • Status - the status of the credential issuance or application

Template Context Menu

Each credential in the table has a context menu that allows you to carry out a number of actions relative to the credential issuance or application. Dependent upon whether the credential is a single issuance, a batch issuance, or an application the context menu items may differ.

  • View Credential - allows you to view the credential information

  • Approve Credential - approves a credential application and issues the credential

  • Decline Credential - denies a credential application and does not issue the credential

  • Revoke Credential - revokes a credential that has previously been issued invalidating the credential

Issue Credentials

You may at any time either Batch issue credentials or issue a single credential at any point by selecting the required option from the buttons in the top corner of the Credentials page. These will take you to the credential issuance pages so you can get issuing your credentials.

Last updated