How to Batch Issue Credentials
You can batch issue credentials to as many identities as you wish from two different areas of your organization dashboard, the Templates page and the Credentials page.
From the Templates page, you can initiate a batch issuance by selecting "Batch Issue Single" from the context menu by pressing the three dots on the right hand side of the template you wish to issue a credential for.
From the Credentials page, you can initiate a batch issuance by pressing the "Batch Issue Credentials" button from the top right hand of the Credentials view.
First you will need to add some information about the batch issuance to proceed:
Enter a name for the batch issuance - this will only be visible within your organization allowing you to easily reference, manage and search the batch in the future
Select the template you wish to use for the credentials you are batch issuing
Once complete, you can press the "Continue" button to proceed.
You will now be presented with the CSV upload form. Here you will be able to upload the CSV file for your batch issuance that you have prefilled with the information for each recipient that will be receiving a credential.
To upload the file press the "Choose File" button and select the file from your drive you wish to upload.
note: the file must be in the format of the CSV template for the credential template you are issuing credentials for and be completely populated with data. In the event either of these are not carried out, the batch issuance will fail.
If you have not yet downloaded a CSV for your template, you can download one here by pressing the "Download CSV Template" button and saving the file for integration or data population.
Once you have uploaded the csv file you may press the "Continue" button to proceed.
Now you will be presented with a confirmation screen allowing you to review the credentials before you continue and issue them. The credentials will be previewed in the right hand sidebar for you to confirm the entries are correct, to switch between the different credential previews you can press the "Next" and "Previous" buttons.
You will also be presented with a clear display of the credential template you are issuing credentials with and the email addresses of the recipients of the credentials.
To confirm and continue to batch issue the credentials press the "Batch Issue Credentials" button and your credentials will be issued and visible in your Credentials page of your organization dashboard.
Last updated