How to Create a New Identity
You may create multiple organization identities within your organization dashboard, that allows you to granularize access and association of credentials and templates with certain areas of your business, for example HR, Finance, Issuance, etc.
To create a new identity you first need to navigate tot the identity page of your dashboard by selecting the "Identities" option in the sidebar nav menu
To create a new identity press the "+ Create New Identity" button in the top right of the Identities page.
This will open the identity creation form for you to fill out the following information about your new identity:
Choose Logo - you may upload an alternative logo for your new identity
Identity Name - this will be the identity name associated with your new identity
Choose Network - this allows you to determine the type of identity you wish to create. By default this will be set to web which is recommended.
DID URL - here you can enter the domain you want to associate with your identity, all identities should be set to a unique sub domain of your organisation, for example
Once you are happy with the information you have entered, press the "Create Identity" button to proceed with the creation of your new identity.
To switch between different identities on your identities page you can select the identity you wish to view by selecting it from the dropdown menu in the top right of the page.
Once your identity has been created you will need to verify your DNS before you can start using your new organization ID.
Last updated