How to Create a New Template
To create a new template navigate to the "Templates" option in the sidebar menu.
On the top right of the Templates page you can press the "+ Create New Template" button to start creating a new template.
Now you can enter the basic information for your new template including:
Credential name - this will be the visible name of the credential you are creating and will be publicly visible in all credentials and integrations.
Credential Type - this is the type of credential you will be using, this determines some specific information required for certain types of credentials, such as open badges, identity, or basic. If you wish to create a normal credential without any specific predetermined fields, you can select basic credential.
Issuing Identity - this will be the organization identity you wish to assign the template to. This identity and the team members associated with it will have access to issue and manage credentials using this template.
Template short reference - this is a short reference for internal use to make it easy to view, search and manage credentials of this type.
Once complete, press the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step.
Next we can add the additional specifications for our template to determine how it is created and visible including:
Expiry date - here we can select how long the an issued credential will be valid for you may select years, months, days, hours or minutes and enter the amount you wish it to be valid for from issuance, i.e. 3 years.
Public visibility - AuvoID supports public applications, by making a credential publicly visible you can allow any user the ability to apply for this credential online in the public AuvoID portal. If you do not wish to make your template visible for applicants, you can leave this off.
Open Schema Visibility - you may also add your template to your organization public schema list. This list is visible in your public organization profile and allows anyone the option to download your credential schema lists to integrate your organization credentials into other applications.
Credential Image - all credentials support a custom image that can be added to your template. If you do not have a specific image for your template, your organization logo image will be used in its place.
Credential Description - this allows you to provide a description for your credential, allowing verifiers and holders to understand what your credential represents.
Once complete, press the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step.
The next step allows you to predefine contents within the template. This is information that will be constant every time the template is used to issue a credential. This may include things like description, criteria, issuer address, email, authorizing body, etc. that will be present in every credential.
To add pre-filled fields press the "+ Add Another Field" button.
For each field you may enter:
Field Name - the name of the field you wish to create
Field Value - the information you wish to display within the template
Once complete, press the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step.
Next you will be able to add any amount of custom content fields to your credential allowing you to create a unique data set for your credentials based on your use case. These fields may be either filled out by your organization or by the user who is receiving or applying for the credential using this template.
To add custom fields press the "+ Add Another Field" button.
For each field you may chose:
Field Name - the name of the field you wish to create
Field Type - the type of field this can be text, email, date, date and time, number, website URL, phone number, or checkbox (Boolean - this allows a yes or no/true or false option to be added)
Request data from Applicant - this allows you to request the information for this field from the user who the credential is being issued to - if you wish your organization to fill in this information, leave this off.
Is this field required? - turn this on to make this field required before a credential can be issued with this template. If a field is optional, then leave it off.
Once complete, press the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step.
Now you will be presented with the option to review your template before saving it to your organization's template collection.
A preview of the template including the different fields is presented in the right hand sidebar.
Should you wish to edit or change anything within your template you may press the "< Go Back" button in the bottom right hand corner of the page view.
Once you are happy with your template press the "Save Template" button and your template will be saved.
Last updated