How to Receive a Credential
As an organization holding your own identity, you too can receive credentials issued by third parties, such as references, accolades, licenses, insurance, business registrations, etc.
To accept a new credential to your organization identity and to store it in your organization wallet, you can press the "Process New Request" button on your organization identity card
There are two options to accept your new credential, which can be processed depending upon the issuers method of offering to you:
Paste offer URL - if an issuer has issued you a credential and allows you to copy the request URL you may copy and paste the URL here
Upload QR Image - if an issuer has issued you a credential in QR form, you may upload an image of the QR code by pressing the "Upload QR Image" button and selecting the image
Once you are satisfied you have the request entered you can press the "Process Request" button to process the credential offer and accept your new credential.
To view credentials your organization has received you can navigate to the "Credentials" tab for the organization identity you wish to view the credential for.
Last updated