Integrate with our API

We have a very well documented API with which you can create custom integrations for Auvo.

API Documentation

You can find full API documentation at

Using the API

You can consume our api by making requests as defined in the API docs, and you can authenticate yourself using an API Key, the Key is supposed to be present in the X-API-KEY request header, examples for which you can find in our API docs.

Creating an API key

  1. Head over to organization settings in your dashboard

  1. Head to the Keys tab in settings

  1. Click on the create key button

  1. This would open a modal in which you can set an alias for your key, an alias is just an identifier for you to identify where the key is being used, ideal use case could be setting the alias as the web app this key is being used by.

  1. Consume the API!

Last updated