The Identities page presents you with an overview of your organization identities and connected domains, that allow you to easily manage and update your organization's verifiable identities.
You can navigate between two different page views.
Overview - displays organization identity overviews
Credentials - displays credentials your organization identity has received
Organization Identity Overview
The overview panel displays all the basic information about your active organization identity, this is the organization identity that you are currently viewing.
Here you can see the name, the logo, the identity type, and the domain it is associated with. You can edit the organization identity profile by pressing the "Edit Identity" button.
Organization Identity DNS
To the right hand side of the Organization Overview you will see the DNS requirements for the organization identity. When updating your DNS for organization identities you can press the "Verify DNS" button to verify a new identity and connect it to your domain.
Create New Identity
If your usage allows for it, at any time you may create a new organization identity by pressing the "+ Create New Identity Button" this will take you to the identity creation form.
Switching Between Identities
Next to the "+ Create New Identity" button there is a dropdown selector that allows you to easily switch between your different organization identities, allowing for easy management and insight to your multiple identities.
As your organization is represented by its own verifiable identity, your organization can also receive verifiable credentials from other trusted parties. The credentials your organization has received are displayed here in your organization credential portfolio.
Processing a new credential
To process a new credential request that has been issued to your organization you can press the "Process New Request" button which will open up the credential processing display.
Last updated